Monthly Newsletter – April 2018
What’s Budding Wearing All the Hats As the weather slides back and forth between yes, there will be spring; no, winter is still with us; and hey, let’s have summer now- I think about all the hats we wear here, literally and figuratively. On the literal side, the installers have both ball caps and knit […]
Monthly Newsletter – March 2018
What’s Budding How I Got Here I remember the heavy lifting of biochemistry, trying to understand not only how and why molecules interact, but why I would ever need to know this information. Plant physiology however, is fascinating, and I have certainly benefited from what I learned in class and in the greenhouse. I was […]
Monthly Newsletter – February 2018
What’s Budding The Brevity of February I have always appreciated the brevity of February. We are impatient to get past the cold, snow and ice and get on to March, when spring begins to stretch and unfurl. The seed catalogs came in January, and by now they are dog-eared. Our good intentions with the treadmill […]
Monthly Newsletter – January 2018
What’s Budding Putting Plants and People Together Like many fortunate souls, I got into horticulture because I love plants. Enjoying the work definitely makes long days more satisfying. Being excited to bring the benefits of healthy and attractive plants into the lives of the people around me is a great gig each day. Making a […]